Tenants Still Face Mould and Damp Despite Compliance Standards

Despite the introduction of the Healthy Homes Standards in New Zealand, many tenants continue to live in cold, damp, and mouldy homes. These standards, established to set minimum requirements for rental insulation and ventilation, became law in 2019. However, not all properties are yet required to comply. For private rentals, compliance is mandatory within 120 days of any new or renewed tenancy starting from 1 July 2021, and all rentals must meet these standards by 1 July 2025.

Real-life Struggles with Compliance

Tenants like Em and Autumn have shared their frustrating experiences with homes that supposedly met the Healthy Homes Standards but still harboured mould and failed to retain heat. Em, who moved into a compliant rental in 2022, found that the bathroom and bedrooms still suffered from mould. The poor living conditions exacerbated health issues for both Em and their asthmatic flatmate, leading to frequent doctor visits and eventually forcing the flatmate to move out.

Similarly, Autumn encountered severe mould problems in a rental they moved into in 2023. Within two weeks, mould had infested their clothes and even their pillows. Both Em and Autumn eventually moved to newer buildings, which, while significantly more expensive, provided a healthier living environment.

Challenges in Enforcement and Compliance

Tony Sands, general manager of home ventilation company DVS, noted an initial increase in demand for ventilation solutions like extract fans and heat pumps following the introduction of the standards. However, this demand has since waned. Sue Harrison, president of the New Zealand Property Investors' Federation, emphasized that there is no excuse for non-compliance and that landlords can be held accountable through the Tenancy Tribunal.

Renters United spokesperson Luke Somervell criticized the Tenancy Tribunal process, stating that it is not tenant-friendly and often leaves renters to enforce rulings themselves. This results in many tenants being stuck in substandard conditions with little recourse. Somervell highlighted the stark choice faced by many renters: live in a cold, draughty house or face homelessness.

The Need for Better Solutions

While the Healthy Homes Standards are a step in the right direction, they have not been enough to eliminate issues with mould and dampness. Ryan Double Glazing offers a solution that goes beyond mere compliance. Specializing in double glazing windows and doors in Tauranga, Papamoa, and Mount Maunganui, we provide an effective shield against mould growth.

The Benefits of Double Glazing

Double glazing involves fitting windows and doors with two layers of glass, with an inert gas sandwiched between them. This design significantly reduces moisture build-up on interior surfaces by limiting condensation when temperatures drop outside. By reducing moisture, double glazing helps to prevent mould growth and maintain a healthier living environment.


While the Healthy Homes Standards aim to improve living conditions for renters, many tenants continue to face challenges with mould and dampness. Enforcement issues and gaps in the standards contribute to these ongoing problems. Solutions like double glazing from Ryan Double Glazing can provide tenants with a more effective and lasting way to create a healthy and comfortable home. By addressing the root cause of moisture build-up, we can help tenants enjoy warmer, drier, and mould-free living spaces.
